2018-06-22 16:00:00
Black Hole - Big stage
Written and directed by: Michal Hába
Dramaturge: Simona Petrů
Art Director: Adriana Černá
Music: Jindřich Čížek
With: Michal Hába and the band KONZUM KOKAIN KAPITALISMUS (Jindřich Čížek, Vlado Mikláš a Michal Škoda)
„Ferdinand Vaněk dnes – a topic for theatre today“
The intellectual in public space, Václav Havel and his legacy, postcommunism and postmodern confusion, absence of a single truth or rather posttruth, division of the society into masses and élite and impossiblity of their mutual understanding. „Ferdinand Vaněk Today“ misses his partner, the Brewmaster, so he is not engaged in a dialogue, only in apowerfully powerless monologue. The text is inspired by Václav Havel ́s play Audience and by his essays The Power of the Powerless or The Anatomy of the Gag.